ST Airborne Systems

Sjöland&Thyselius at UAS Forum Sweden

Johan Mårtensson from Sjöland&Thyselius will participate in the UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) Forum Sweden and will speak under the topic “UAS as decision support”.

There is no mistaking the huge interest in UAS.  On 19-20 May the first large national conference on this subject will be held in Linköping, Sweden.  The UAS Forum targets decision makers, manufacturers and users of UAS.

Through its subsidiary S&T Airborne Systems Sjöland&Thyselius has a strong position on the market where civilian manned aerial surveillance systems are concerned.” UAS are well-established for military surveillance and we are convinced that UAS will soon reach a break-through on the civilian market. There is great potential in combining manned and unmanned systems to maximize the effectiveness of surveillance solutions”, says S&T’s CEO Mikael Tjernlund.