ST Airborne Systems


NASP’s new Dash 8. Photo by Avmax

Firstly, the team at ST Airborne Systems would like to congratulate Transport Canada’s National Aerial Surveillance Program’s (NASP) on celebrating 30 years in the skies preventing pollution, protecting whales and supporting national security. For information on additional tasks supported see also the NASP web page.

Secondly, we are proud to announce we have been awarded a new contract to continue our support to the NASP operation. The new contract is for equipping a fourth aircraft (a Dash 8) for Transport Canada’s surveillance program.

The new MSS 7000 system to be installed has dual workstations and integrates SLAR, IR/UV, AIS, cameras and Direction Finder as well as a new EO/IR with HD capability and a new advanced search radar. The contract also includes an upgrade of the mission systems on board the three aircraft already in operation (two Dash 8 and one Dash 7).

“We are very happy to receive this renewed confidence from our long-standing customer and look forward to continue working with the very skilled team at NASP”, says Olov Fäst, President of ST Airborne Systems.

Our MSS systems, again and again, prove themselves to be the most attractive systems on the market. The MSS 7000 is the latest and most advanced generation of our systems that have been developed over a period of more than 40 years in close cooperation with our customers. Our systems are today in use with Coast Guard operators worldwide. We believe this makes us uniquely qualified to deliver also this program successfully.