ST Airborne Systems


Representatives from ST Airborne Systems and Transport Canada reviewing all the functions of the MSS 7000 system

Last week, officers from Transport Canada’s National Aerial Surveillance Program visited Sweden to oversee the Factory Acceptance Test of their new MSS 7000 system.

All the required functions of the MSS 7000 were assessed, and we had the opportunity to get useful input from Transport Canada’s experienced operators on how they use our systems. This type of exchange of information is invaluable for us and is how our systems have developed over the years. The result is the user-friendly, state-of-the-art system which we are able to offer today, and we will continue to improve and adapt our systems based on the current and future needs of our customers.

Since 2006, Transport Canada has operated the MSS 6000 system on board their Dash 7 and Dash 8 aircrafts. Later this year, the new MSS 7000 will be installed on the Transport Canada’s third Dash 8 aircraft, which is currently undergoing modifications to prepare for installation of the new system.