Estonia operates the first MSS 7000
In May 2018 the Estonian Border Guard took into operation a new MSS 7000 equipped Beach King Air 350Er Aircraft.
MSS 7000 is the latest generation airborne surveillance systems from ST Airborne Systems and constitutes a significant step from martime surveillance to a truly multi-mission ISR.
The MSS 7000 is a completely new system based on operational experience from Coast Guard organizations around the world using earlier versions of our systems, most notably the very successful MSS 6000. Also the Estonian Border Guard sucessfully operated the MSS 6000.
The aircraft will be used for environmental patrol and aerial surveillance of the sea and land areas under Estonian responsibility.
BAM has performed the installation of the system and modified the aircraft to make it very well suited for its role as an effective and easty to operate surveillance aircraft.

The MSS 7000 equipped aircraft provides a superior working environment. Ergonomic seats are installed for two operators and two observers. Two identical consoles allow the two operators full flexibility in sharing the workload between them.

Each operator has two large 23″ multi-touch screens with several new features to facilitate ease of operation and superior situational overview.

The serach radar, EO/IR sensor and IR/UV scanner are housed in a radome under the belly of the aircraft. The EO/IR sensor is mounted on a hoist mechanism for maximum field of view n flight and maximum protection during take-off and landing.